Machu Picchu
- Incas
2. Who founder of Machu Picchu.
- Inca empire and first emperor.
3. When Machu Picchu was discovered?
- 1911
4. How many percent dead in Machu Picchu?
- 80% of dead is women.
5. What did they found when they was discovered?
- They found children's bones.
6. How many year they complete?
- 50 years
7. What the Inca used for built?
- They used granite and stone into the shape.
8. How long for take tourist by train?
- 4 hours
9. Do they have sacrifice?
- Yes, they do.
10. How many water do they get from rainfall?
- about 6-30 gallons per minute depend on the time of year.
11. What did they grow?
- corn
12. How long for Incas lives there?
- 500 years ago.